Area protection
Area protection
Area protection
Area protection
Level 2 = easy walking which all guests can participate in

Protection starts long before our perimeter. Wildlife crime presents one of the major threats to most conservation areas across the continent and at Marataba, we have developed a broader approach to combatting wildlife crime through a strategy of collaboration with neighbouring properties, NGOs and Government agencies. This includes the Greater Marakele Security Cluster, which protects all major access roads with booms, and a control room that feeds into a national network and intelligence database. Law enforcement is a joint effort between Marataba and our government partners, SANParks, and the Park is patrolled 24/7, 365 days a year by a team of dedicated field rangers who operate in challenging circumstances.

Get involved:

Subsistence poaching for bushmeat is a significant threat at Marataba, as it is in many conservation areas, and walking the fence line for a snare patrol check is a critical part of daily life. The activity starts with learning how easily snares are made, how they get set up, and the damage and fatalities caused to wildlife. This work is not only life-saving to potential snare victims, but also welcome support for the field rangers who carry a massive responsibility on their shoulders.